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Peak Hour report
Pavel Severa avatar
Written by Pavel Severa
Updated over 2 years ago

Peak hour identifies the period of the traffic survey when a road/junction is at its highest traffic level. Based on the chosen time range, it can be a single hour of the whole footage, separate hours for AM and PM periods or more peaks for various other periods (inter-peak, evening peak, etc.). For AM/PM breakdown, please create two separate Peak hour widgets. For an even more detailed breakdown, you can create more widgets according to your needs.

There are two important data delivered by the widget: the peak hour identification and the traffic flow intensity during the peak hour. Peak interval is normally one hour long and is floating. Therefore, this metric does not make much sense for videos shorter than 1 hour by which actually the same results as by the total volume are reported.

The report can be created for a single movement only, several movements of importance or for the full coverage when all movements are selected at once. By selecting the available time unit (1min, 5min, 15min), you can adjust the desired granularity used when identifying peak hours.

Example of a peak hour report

Read about other available reports:

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