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Organize Your recordings in the Video Insights project structure
Organize Your recordings in the Video Insights project structure

How to organize your traffic videos in GoodVision platform

Daniel Štofan avatar
Written by Daniel Štofan
Updated over 3 weeks ago

In GoodVision Video Insights, traffic videos are organized in folders at 2 different levels: Projects -> Data Sources.

The three entities you will work with are:

  • Projects: A general, high-level category for all materials used for overall definitions and enabling the folder structure.

  • Data Sources: A folder for single-source video/s you want to process and analyze. One Data Source is dedicated for one scene/view.

1. Project level

Project is the highest level of the application structure. At the project level, you can set some general characteristics that will be valid for all videos uploaded to the same Project. For example, when creating a new Project you can customize the classification scheme according to your needs. For more information about creating a custom scheme see this article.

Picture 1: Creating a new Project

You can also collaborate with your colleagues, clients or providers by sharing the whole project with someone else, who has a GoodVision account. When on the Projects page, click on the three menu dots by a Project and select “Share”.

Picture 2: Sharing a Project

You’ll be asked to enter an email address and choose rights for the collaborator - Read or Read & Write. The collaborator will then get access to view the videos and/or data in the project, possibly upload new videos or perform analyses.

Projects have their own Vault space too. The capacity of the Vault is shared across the entire account, but each Project has a separate storage for video files. Videos uploaded to one Project will thus not be automatically available in other Projects so pay attention to the project structure when organizing the video materials.

Picture 3: Dedicated Vault space for each Project

If you are new to the Video Insights application, you’ll see an empty black screen and will create a new Project or Projects by clicking on the “+” button on the Projects screen. You can also import a showcase project with some prepared demo material to try the traffic analytics in the platform.

When you are already a GoodVision client with some older processed data, you will still find them under the "My Project" folder on the main Projects page.

Picture 4: Creating a new Project

Under the project, you will then create various Locations and Data Sources for sorting the videos and doing the traffic analysis.

2. Data Source level

Data Source is used for processing of a single video or multiple videos recorded from the same camera. In GoodVision Video Insights, you are always analyzing a video or videos processed in a particular Data Source.

Video files in one Data Source (if there are more than one) shall be from the identical scene with the same viewpoint, data input type and video parameters like resolution or FPS. It is important to remember that one Data Source is dedicated for one scene/view. Usually, it is used for batches of shorter video pieces of a longer recording or for cases of several recordings from the same camera but at different times. Imagine your video recordings are split by 1 hour, or you are recording every second week in a month, but you want to analyze the traffic for the whole year. With GoodVision it is possible.

Learn how to upload and process video recordings in this article.

Picture 4: Various Data Sources ready for traffic analysis in one user-defined Location

When the videos are successfully uploaded to the Vault and processed in a Data Source, you can start with the traffic analysis. Just click on the screen of the Data Source with the “Analyze” button and you’ll be navigated to the Describe scene page. That’s where you will place virtual Lines and Zones, define desired Movements or Events, analyze data and create Reports and Exports. The traffic analysis in GoodVision is generally described in this article.

In the Data Source view, you can also click on the three dots in the upper right corner of a particular Data Source and go to Details to check the video characteristics like Location, input type and device type as well as the metadata like duration, resolution and FPS.

Picture 5: Checking the video data in a Data Source

Under the “Videos” tab you can also check the original video file where you can edit the timeframe of the video. In case you have not chosen to delete the video immediately after upload, you will be able to download the file when needed, or delete it from the Vault.

Picture 6: Editing/deleting the original video file

If the original video file was deleted from the Vault after upload, you can still access and analyze the extracted data from the recording. GoodVision shows the exact vehicle trajectories from the video and displays them in a nice traffic flow pattern:

Picture 7: Correct flow of anonymized trajectories

That’s also the reason for the need for the identical viewpoint and settings when multiple videos are processed in one Data Source. Imagine what would you see if some of the videos in the same Data Source have shifted viewpoints… yes, the traffic flow patterns would be shifted, most probably not matching each other like in the image below.

Picture 8: Recordings with different views causing moved trajectories

To avoid this, always please pay attention to the camera view and try to make sure that it is not shifted in any way when you want to do the traffic analysis in one Data Source.

3. Customizing page settings

On all 3 levels, you can adjust the page view - either to see a grid with the folders, a list in a table or their position on a map. The folders can be sorted by name or date created. they will be sorted in ascending or descending order. The page settings are available on the top right corner of the Video Insights app.

Picture 9: Adjusting the page view

If you want to use the map view for your Projects, Locations or Data sources, please enter the geolocation information into the Data Source detail. By clicking on the lense icon you'll be navigated to a map view where you can set the location of the data source by entering GPS coordinates, or searching on Google maps.

Picture 10: setting up a Data Source geolocation

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