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Webinar n. 11. - 21st-Century Surveys Using Computer Vision
Webinar n. 11. - 21st-Century Surveys Using Computer Vision
Pavel Severa avatar
Written by Pavel Severa
Updated over a week ago

Being a global platform, GoodVision has set up the first and not last Asia Pacific time-friendly webinar that introduces a new partner, Traffic1, Australia, and also ARUP, Manila, that utilizes GoodVision within their smart city projects. These industry experts discussed how to do modern traffic surveys simply and effectively, using computer vision and automation.

What will you learn?

✔️ Stephen Bell from Traffic1 will talk about unique online survey collection via online ordering and partnership with GoodVision analytical platform

✔️ You'll learn about new hardware options to assist with the collect traffic data using systems such as Rapid Scout®

✔️ Klervin John Collado from ARUP will talk about Smart City development and how GoodVision supports this future


Q#1: What does the report include? Can it be customized?

Steven Bell from Traffic1: "After you submit a request for the report, we’d get in touch with you to fine-tune details - format, look, etc. We’ll provide you with the whole reports package that GoodVision software can offer. Your video is stored in GoodVision Vault for 12 months, so if you need a slight variation you can always come back to it and analyze it again."

Christopher Hargreaves from GoodVision: "In GoodVision Video Insights you can generate four types of reports from traffic movement count reports to advanced ones with all the detailed traffic parameters for every single vehicle. All our reports are in .xls format, but in case you need some specific format or report type, it is possible to create a custom report for you."

Q#2: Are you working with authorities to get the permits to install your equipment?

Steven Bell from Traffic1: "It comes down to the area you’re working in. Our equipment doesn’t have to be on a pole but can be on a tree or a building, so we always get consent from councils or any local authority if it’s needed. Our equipment is quite discreet. I’ve seen lots of companies that use lead-acid batteries and lots of cameras. They might do one intersection count and have eight to ten cameras hanging off give way signs. Our gear is usually one or two very discreet cameras. Noone even notices us."

Q#3: In the current COVID19 environment have you done any studies on calibrating traffic data or taking into account the travel pattern changes?

Klervin John Collado from ARUP: "It depends on the nature of the project, but we do validate our traffic counts to account for these effects. If it's similar to the second project I've presented, where the covid impact is mostly concerned with traffic volume, then we compare it to pre-pandemic flows. But for public transport projects, for example, where you need to account for passenger demand and origin-destination of people, then it's important to calibrate the model to look into the pandemic included movements. I can think of things like flexible work schedules, people permanently moving out of urban centers, and some shifts in mode usage. We see some increase in bicycles nowadays, at least here in the Philippines and the region so far."

Christopher Hargreaves from GoodVision: "As a global company, we've seen a shift to more surveys in pedestrians, cyclists, and safety areas. More of the roads or city areas were confiscated from vehicles that weren't currently there. Some countries did see an increase in vehicles because they were scared of transmission of covid, so they weren't using public transport.

Now everyone's back on the road trying to take back control, so it's very interesting to see on a global scale how each country is handling the covid situation. And yes, there is definitely an increase in surveys on pedestrians and cyclists and safety impact surveys, from my experience."

Q#4: Is the traffic survey service available in the New Zealand market?

Steven Bell from Traffic1: "We currently work on the Eastern seaboard of Australia, but we are looking at a couple of other countries. We are looking at New Zealand and Tasmania. With us just opening up here and Queensland’s still locked out for everyone, so that’s been a bit more complicated, but we’ve got work to do up there. We are on the eastern seaboard, where the majority of the biggest states in Australia are, but we will cover the country quite soon."

Christopher Hargreaves from GoodVision: "Yes, our services are available also in New Zealand. GoodVision has a New Zealand partner who works with the New Zealand Transport Authority and can provide end-to-end service with GoodVision. If you’d like to have more information about the New Zealand market, please contact us, and we will put you in touch with our partner there. "

Q#5: Does the platform support multiple languages?

Christopher Hargreaves from GoodVision: "At the moment, the whole GoodVision platform is in English. Other languages addition is on our roadmap. Some of them are under development already. Let us know which languages you would like to see on the platform."

Q#6: How many vehicle classes do you detect?

Christopher Hargreaves from GoodVision: "GoodVision platform currently classifies traffic objects into eight distinct classes according to the standard COBA 8 classification. There is also the possibility to create a custom classification scheme for the client with added classes on top of the COBA 8. This way we created custom classification schemes i.e. for the East Asia market which requires tricycles, jeepneys, and other. We’re adding new vehicle classes in the future, supporting the latest innovations in urban mobility planning, a higher focus on non-vehicular commuting via e-scooters, etc. "

Q#7: Can the data output be flexible enough to work with most mainstream microsimulation modeling programs including Aimsun and others?

Christopher Hargreaves from GoodVision: "At the minute, we have Vissim as an output. We are aware that there are other simulation models that companies are using. We are looking into a possibility of a universal generic output that could be opened or used with Aimsun or PTV Vissim, and probably a few other mainstream simulations. I know that’s in the end phase, so we have only the PTV Vissim output skeleton model at the minute. If you are interested in that, please let us know, and we could have a discussion of what you’re looking for and see what’s possible. Because if there’s a request and a need for that and you want to use that type of output, we can certainly help you."

Q#8: Can you gather weather information? If so, what type of granularity?

Christopher Hargreaves from GoodVision: "Weather information fusion into GV's data is planned for the future releases of the platform after the user's provide the GPS coordinates of the study. The granularity will be defined by the weather information provider used, usually 1 hour or 3 hour granularity."

Q#9: Can you record individual vehicles instead of some data?

Steven Bell from Traffic1: "Yes we record every individual vehicle with its detailed behavioural parameters and positions in time. Users can get these parameters for individual vehicles in the app’s report containing i.e. individual speed, travel time, entry and exit time, gaps between vehicles, etc."

Christopher Hargreaves from GoodVision: "GoodVision records individual vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles and obtains their trajectories. The data you see consists of these trajectories. You can get summary data and also the data for each individual vehicle. Also, there is a possibility to filter trajectories by time, so you can select a specific class, e.g., cars, and filter on the timeline to see the detection point and then playback the video for each point. It's very useful for modelers who want to playback the footage and see the scene to understand what happened, see if that matches their models or verification, or for quality checking."

Q#10: Can an additional vehicle type be added to the system?

Christopher Hargreaves from GoodVision: "Yes, this is a standard GoodVision service that takes 2-3 months, and the result is a client’s custom traffic video detection engine built in his GoodVision Video Insights platform. It is a client-sponsored development."

Q#11: Is the software able to do parking surveys?

Christopher Hargreaves from GoodVision: "GoodVision is a system for traffic monitoring and analysis. You can use it for parking IN and OUT surveys, but it is an overkill for parking space occupancy monitoring. You can cover the parking area to understand how long it is being occupied on average. Traffic1 can help you with parking surveys in Australia. They have other abilities to give you that information in cooperation with GoodVision."

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