Are you able to analyze my video if the camera is jittering or floating – i.e. from drone?

Yes, we have developed a stabilization procedure for processing of drone videos. Get to know our Drone High-Detail Processing option.

Pavel Severa avatar
Written by Pavel Severa
Updated over a week ago

Unlike other simpler or more traditional solutions, GoodVision can significantly help to stabilize the drone movement in your video with our automatic image stabilization procedure which helps to "hold" the scene fixed for slight shaking and shivering of a drone.

Yet, always try to avoid any unnecessary motion, rotation, focusing or zooming etc. when making a drone footage. Detection ability is not influenced by camera movement but the stabilization procedure can balance only minor motions. Moving camera without a stable view would cause moved trajectories on the analytics page and make a proper analysis impossible.

When a drone camera is shaking, slightly moved or rotated during the footage, the stabilization process would preserve a single screen view. However, it can easily happen that some parts of the video were not in focus all the time during the footage, as the drone would turn a bit or change its position. That influences the analysis negatively, as the number of vehicles in the "negative zones" would necessarily be lower than in reality, just because they were not in the camera view for some time.

For such cases, we implemented a mask overlaying the camera screenshot in the Video Insights application which lets you know, where these zones occurred. You will still see the objects' trajectories there and can still put lines and filters to measure traffic volumes and travel times on the grey zones but it' s not recommended because the outputs will not be complete by definition. You can consider the mask as guidance where you should be careful with the results and rather concentrate on the bright parts with complete data for your analysis.

Example of the mask overlay on the scene guiding you where not to place your lines or zones to assure the best accuracy

Our Drone High-Detail Processing is ideal for:

  • UHD drone cameras surveying from 50 to 250 meters above the ground

  • UHD fixed or temporary cameras in big heights with a steep view.

Read more about video requirements for drone High-Detail Processing in this article.

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