Besides the traffic movements, Video Insights allows you to filter the traffic also by custom events or traffic behavior conditions. Event conditions in GoodVision Video Insights are available for zone filter only:
Stay event - This event allows you to filter the traffic participants by occupancy time - the time that object spent within a selected ZONE.
Object Stopped event - This event allows you to filter only those traffic participants that have stopped within a selected ZONE (e.g. for separating the traffic starting from zero speed).
Learn how to create an event step by step:
1. Define your event
In this example, we will create a Stay event. Draw a ZONE to your traffic scene where you want to filter traffic by occupancy time (e.g to the intersection center, approach to a crossing, parking lot etc.)
Then click on ‘+NEW’ under the ‘Events’ tab and select the ZONE where you want to detect a stay event.
2. Adjusting the event settings
In the panel with event settings you can name the event, change the selected zone and define the amount of time by dragging slider handles. The time range can be in seconds or minutes. You can define the infinite time constraints as "greater than", and "lower than" by dragging the particular slider to the side.
3. Editing the event
You can always edit all the settings if you need or delete the event using the buttons that are highlighted on the picture below.
4. Getting the traffic data
Finally to analyze the traffic data defined by your movements, events or scenarios, create appropriate widgets on the ‘Analyze data’ page. See our guide on How to create widgets for the traffic volume, travel time, peak periods or various visual maps to get the most of the Video Insights platform.
Learn about all the analytical widgets you can create in Video Insights.